25 Apr In Conversation with Jane Ingham: A Bath Life with Georgian homes and interiors
Jane Ingham is the Publisher of Bath Life Magazine and a director at Mediaclash, a large publishing business located in the centre of Bath. Here, Jane shares her views on the architecture and homes in Bath and the Georgian interior design aesthetic she’s enjoyed since moving here.
How long have you lived in Bath and why did you decide to live here?
Almost 30 years now! I was head-hunted by Chris Anderson to join Future Publishing in Bath – it was his third attempt and an offer I couldn’t refuse… I’ve loved living in Bath ever since and have lived in various parts of the city and surrounding villages.
What kind of houses have you lived in?
I love the Georgian buildings and interiors in Bath and have lived in a fair few of them since arriving all those years ago! We started off in a flat on London Road in the early days and have since lived in Georgian houses in Bathford, Sion Hill, The Circus and now Cavendish Road overlooking the golf course. They’ve all been Georgian town houses and Villas mostly as it’s the aesthetic I love most and is so in keeping with living in the city of Bath.

What is it about living in Georgian properties that most appeals to you?
I love the the size of the windows and their symmetry within each room which let in so much light and make the most of the view if you’re lucky enough to have one. I also like the ceiling heights which add drama to the interior design of the Georgian rooms and show off original cornicing and details. I’m also a fan of big fireplaces to frame a living room. Last not least, let’s not forget the glorious Bath stone which is so commonplace in Bath but still so appealing.

What are the downsides of living in Georgian houses?
Whilst part of the attraction of Georgian interiors and layout is the symmetry, it can also be restrictive for modern living. These limitations on room layouts, coupled with listed consent requirements, can make it hard to adapt certain rooms for family lifestyle.

Do you have a particular Georgian building you admire?
It’s a hard choice in amongst the glories of Bath, but it’s probably the Holburne Museum at the end of Great Pulteney Street. The view along the street towards it and the first floor balcony is beautiful.

For help with renovating or rejuvenating your Georgian home, contact Etons of Bath on 01225 639002
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